Demonstration in support of the Kurds in northern Syria
For two hours, thousands of Kurds and supporters of their cause marched through Zurich’s city center in an impressive demonstration, peacefully, despite the occasional firecrackers and smoke grenades. They gathered to protest against Turkey’s military action in northern Syria and to express their solidarity with the Kurds living there.
Published on Oct. 14th 2019 in
Daily Newspaper Tages Anzeiger
Text by Michèle Binswanger

sniffer dogs at airport zurich
For the dogs, the whole thing is just a game, but for smugglers it’s very serious: virtually unnoticed by passengers, the sniffer dogs of the Border Guard are on serious missions. (…) Without direct contact with the substances, the dog learns in a four-week course to associate the smells of narcotics with the positive feeling of an impending game. He then sniffs out the illegal cargo with glee.
Published on Sept. 15th 2020
Daily Newspaper Zürcher Unterländer
Text by Stephan Mark Stirnimann

If you want to learn something about the Swiss sport Schwingen, about its peculiarities, its charm, its originality, its image of old Switzerland, you have many options. You can go to a small festival in Trübbach in the St. Gallen Rhine Valley, you can talk to Orlik Armon, Käser Remo and Giger Sämi, the young and wild of their sport. But you can also just go to Chur and read on an A4 sheet in the Schwinger cellar: “Rules in the Schwinger cellar and at Schwinger festivals.” Anyone who has read it already knows a lot about why Schwingen has nothing to do with football.
Published on Mai 25th 2017
Daily Newspaper Tages Anzeiger
Text by Thomas Schifferle